RA 12h07m13.46 -04°24'29.6'' dec 11.01 mag


RA 12h07m13.46 -04°24'29.6'' dec 11.01 mag

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Constellation Virgo (The Virgin)

Virgo or The Virgin is one of the 88 constellations modern astronomers have divided the sky into. It's part of the Zodiac constellation family. Virgo is best seen in May (from latitudes +80° to -80°)

Like the bounty of wheat she holds in her hand, Virgo is among the richest areas of the sky to spot galaxies and distant night sky objects. Virgo is the only zodiacal constellation representing a woman and is often depicted with wings. Spica, located in the ear of wheat she holds in her left hand, is the brightest star in the constellation. People born under the sign Virgo are often seen as observant, reliable, precise and helpful.