Izuku Midoriya

RA 12h47m30.08 +14°34'16.6'' dec 11.13 mag


RA 12h47m30.08 +14°34'16.6'' dec 11.13 mag

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Kohei Horikoshi


Coma Berenices

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Constellation Coma Berenices (Berenice's Hair)

Coma Berenices or Berenice's Hair is one of the 88 constellations modern astronomers have divided the sky into. It's part of the Ursa Major constellation family. Coma Berenices is best seen in May (from latitudes +90° to -60°)

Once part of Leo’s tail, Coma Berenices was separated in the 1500’s by Tycho Brahe. He brought back the tale of Berenice the queen of Egypt during the reign of Ptolemy III to create the constellation. Berenice promised Aphrodite her hair for the safe return of her husband from war. Upon his safe arrival, Berenice gave the hair to Aphrodite who then placed it among the stars.