Kim Namjoon

RA 06h16m59.03 -02°21'02.1'' dec 10.24 mag


RA 06h16m59.03 -02°21'02.1'' dec 10.24 mag

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Kim Namjoon BTS



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Constellation Orion (The Hunter)

Orion or The Hunter is one of the 88 constellations modern astronomers have divided the sky into. It's part of the Orion constellation family. Orion is best seen in January (from latitudes +85° to -75°)

Three of the twenty-five brightest stars in the sky are found in Orion, and their brightness makes the structure of a man in the constellation easy to see. His upraised club-wielding arm sweeps into the Milky Way and his other hand holds a lion’s pelt. Orange tinted Betelgeuse is the alpha star and represents his right shoulder. In mythology, Orion was a powerful hunter who was killed by a sting from Scorpius.