RA 19h30m09.96 +28°12'41.5'' dec 11.16 mag
RA 19h30m09.96 +28°12'41.5'' dec 11.16 mag
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Colleen, Methos, & TazmmuRegistered for
Caroline and RonConstellation
CygnusStar date
2016-12-27View star in 3D Cygnus (The Swan)
Cygnus or The Swan is one of the 88 constellations modern astronomers have divided the sky into. It's part of the Hercules constellation family. Cygnus is best seen in September (from latitudes +90° to -40°)
A popular name for Cygnus is the Northern Cross. The wings of the swan span the Milky Way at a location packed with stars. It has 17 main stars and its brightest star Deneb, shines 60,000 times brighter than the Sun. Deneb marks the tail of the swan. In Greek Mythology Zeus turned into a swan to pursue Queen Leda from Sparta. Another myth represents Cygnus, who was placed in the sky for not honoring Dionysus.