
RA 16h58m04.17 -66°51'00.2'' dec 9.47 mag


RA 16h58m04.17 -66°51'00.2'' dec 9.47 mag

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Triangulum Australe

Star date

Constellation Triangulum Australe (The Southern Triangle)

Triangulum Australe or The Southern Triangle is one of the 88 constellations modern astronomers have divided the sky into. It's part of the Hercules constellation family. Triangulum Australe is best seen in July (from latitudes +15° to -90°)

Petrus Plancius first depicted the modern Triangulum Australe in 1598 on a globe. The three main stars of Triangulum Australe are brighter than those of their northern counterpart, although the constellation is smaller. Navigators have named its brightest star Atria. Triangulum Australe is a small constellation bordered by Norma to the north, Circinus to the west, Apus to the south and Ara to the east.