Pedro Pascal
RA 02h44m30.961 +11°07'51.48'' dec 13.37 mag
RA 02h44m30.961 +11°07'51.48'' dec 13.37 mag
Welcome to Pedro Pascal's Star! We wish we could give him the power to see himself through our eyes. For that, we named a star after him, for he is dazzling, unique and so much special. Feliz cumple, Pedro. Eres nuestra familia y nuestra estrella guia. Te quieremos mucho. To the fans, feel free to leave a birthday message to Pedro! 💜
Registered by
Lu, Jessi, Babi, Isa, EveRegistered for
José Pedro Balmaceda PascalConstellation
AriesStar date
1975-04-02View star in 3D